Endowment Scholarships
This form of scholarship is derived from money earned by way of gifts from others. A party to an endowment scholarship fund gives a certain amount of money to the institution who in turn earns money on that gift. The base monetary value is never touched, the "earned" money is then turned over to qualifying students to use towards furthering their education.
If you would like to contribute to an Endowment Scholarship, click on the Endowment Scholarship Agreement link, print off the Endowment Scholarship Agreement document, complete the form and submit to Northern Cass Dollars for Scholars, PO Box 268, Hunter, ND 58048 or you can scan the document back onto your computer and email to dollarsforscholars@northerncassschool.com.
Endowment Scholarships available through Northern Cass Dollars for Scholars:
Billie Jean Nedrebo Rosenfeld Memorial (no specific criteria): $250
Chris Bohn Scholarship (student attending NDSU in an agricultural flield. If not attending NDSU a student attending another school in an agricultural field): $1,000
Don Brandsted (no specific criteria): $250
Gerald Radebaugh Scholarship (no specific criteria): $750
H.T. and Evelyn Anderson Memorial (student going into Education): $500
Hal Habermann (top applicant): $500
Joy Thompson (2nd top applicant): $1,000
Lloyd and Adeline Williams (no specific criteria): $500
Lois Iwen Memorial Scholarship (female basketball player from Hunter, ND): $1,000
Marjorie Hoag Iddings Memorial (no specific criteria): $250
Masonic Lodge (no specific criteria): $500
Ronald C. Viestenz Memorial Scholarship (student (preferably male) going in Education (preferably Elementary Ed) in ND): $500
William Sutton Memorial (athletic student in baseball or softball): $500
Sponsored Scholarships
This form of scholarship is typically a one-time gift from an individual or business, however, have the potential to be recurring.
If you would like to contribute to a Sponsored Scholarship, click on the Sponsored Scholarship Agreement link, print off the Sponsored Scholarship Agreement document, complete the form and submit to Northern Cass Dollars for Scholars, PO Box 268, Hunter, ND 58048 or you can scan the document back onto your computer and email to dollarsforscholars@northerncassschool.com.
Sponsored Scholarships available through Northern Cass Dollars for Scholars:
Bank of North Dakota / North Dakota Dollars for Scholars (no specific criteria): $500 - $1,000
Cass County Electric (no specific criteria): $1,000
Clarence Johnson and Eunice Iwen Scholarship (Resides within NC School District and attending 4-year, 2-year, trade school, or job training/certificate program): $2,000
Fargo Elks (no specific criteria): $200.00
Gale R. and Barbara M. Burley Scholarship (40% Extracurricular / Community Service, 35% Career Plan, and 25% Grade Point Average - will be given through Class of 2023): $1,000
Grandin Civic Club (student from Grandin, ND): $500
Halstad Telephone Company Scholarship (pursuing a degree in technology or a field that uses technology): $1,000
Harwood Legion Gaming (no specific criteria): $1,000
Hunter C & I (Hunter resident, if not, student in District going into Business or Culinary Arts): 2 each $400
Orv & Paulette Bean Scholarship (one (1) $500 male & one (1) $500 female: 3.5 GPA or above and seeking degree in Education or Medical): $1,000
Additional scholarships funded through:
Adopt-A-Class: Dollars awarded are based on monies brought in by each graduating class throughout their 13 years of education, amount available for awarding varies with each class.
How to Adopt-A-Class:
- Choose a class(es) to adopt/sponsor, K-12.
- Adopt/sponsor the class(es) for the duration of their education (your child's class, grandchild's class, or friend's class).
- On annual Adopt-A-Class Day (typically in November) donate $1.00 for each learner in the class(es) you are adopting/sponsoring, this is a suggestion, but you can do more, or less. Anything helps and it goes directly towards their scholarships.
*** For EXAMPLE: You choose to adopt/sponsor this year's kindergarten class through the duration of their education at Northern Cass. If you donate $1.00 per learner per year and there are currently 50 learners in that class, you would be donating $50.00 per year.
Just think, if there are 50 learners in a class and they had 50 people adopt/sponsor their class they could raise $2,500 per year. Multiply the $2,500 times 13 years (K-12) and their class alone would have a total of $32,500 in their account by the time they are set to graduate. The total amount in their account is normally divided by a lessor number of learners as there is less money in the account, normally only 3-6 learners share from the funds. With larger amounts, say the $32,500 mentioned above, that alone would give each of the 50 learners access to $650.
Adopt-A-Class awards are in addition to any other scholarship(s) your learner may have received.